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New updates and improvements to LearnHouse


Introducing Assignments

Since the beginning of the LearnHouse journey, the ability to evaluate students has been the #1 requested feature and rightfully so. we decided to take time to carefully craft this in the most simple and easy to use way possible

We are excited to announce the launch of the Assignments feature, designed to seamlessly integrate into your teaching workflow. Here’s what you can expect:

Key Assignments types :

  • Quizzes : multi-choice and single choice
  • File submissions : the ability to submit files for a task

Unique Assignments features :

  • Hints : Give simple hints about a Task
  • Multi Tasks : Give multiple possible tasks in a single Assignment
  • References : Upload references files as context or guides for a Task
  • Multiple Grading options : You can choose wether to grade Assignments in :
    • Percentage
    • Numeric
    • Alphabetic
  • Grading : Simple Grading tools so you can evaluate your students

We hope that the Assignments feature will empower you to provide even more effective and meaningful evaluations for your students. As always, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Happy teaching!


Introducing the LearnHouse Free Tier

We’re excited to announce the Free Plan with more features to get started with launching and growing your learning community.

The Free Plan includes :

  • Unlimited traffic from the web
  • 5 Courses
  • 5 Assignments
  • 10 Signed Members & 1 Admin
  • 5 Go Storage for your videos, pictures around the app
  • Included CDN & .IO Subdomain

Who is the Free Plan for?

This plan is perfect for anyone looking to use the core features of LearnHouse before upgrading or for those who need a lightweight solution to get started.

Users not part of the Paid Plans & Trial Users have automatically been migrated to the Free Plan and new users can get started today.


Social logins : Login with Google

You can now connect and sign up using your Social accounts, starting with Google Login


Improved self hosting : Easier setup and improved documentation

You can now start a learnhouse instance on your own server with a single command, we've improved the setup process and added more detailed documentation to help you get started.

  • One command setup: Start a learnhouse instance on your own server with a single command with docker
  • Improved documentation: We've added more detailed documentation to help you get started with self hosting LearnHouse

Course Updates : Simple updates about your Courses

You can now give your students simple updates about your Courses, like new content, changes in the schedule, or any other information that you want to share with them.

Course Updates are great for keeping your students informed and engaged, it helps them stay on track and know what to expect next.


Multiplayer editing : Collaborate with your team in real-time

You can now collaborate on a Document with other people live!

Live Editing is great for teachers that want to work together on Course material, teachers may have different areas of expertise or strengths. Live collaboration enables them to leverage each other's knowledge and skills, resulting in more comprehensive and well-rounded learning materials.


UserGroups : New options for accessing Courses

We've been adding new options for accessing Courses, you can now provide access to courses to a group of users that you can manage, we call them UserGroups.

UserGroups are great for organizations that have different departments or teams that need access to different courses, you can now create User Groups and assign courses to them, so that each group of users has access to the courses that are relevant to them.

  • User Groups: Create User Groups and assign courses to them.
  • Link UserGroups to Users: Assign users to User Groups.
  • Invite Users to User Groups: You can assign invite codes to User Groups so that users are linked to the group when they sign up.

LearnHouse Cloud redesign

Last month we've been working on a complete redesign of LearnHouse Cloud, you can now see more details about your organizations, users and settings.


AI, Users management, LearnHouse Learn , Bug fixes and more..

Last month we've been working on new features and improvements to make your experience with LearnHouse even better. Here are some of the highlights:

LearnHouse AI

  • Ask AI : Talk with an Activity, ask questions, get help understanding any subject on a lecture or a course.
  • AI Editor : Your co-pilot for writing educational content.

User Management

  • Manage users : Manage your users, remove from organizations, assign roles and more.
  • Signup method : Decide how users can signup to your organization, freely or by invitation only.

LearnHouse Learn

LearnHouse Learn is our own organization inside the platform, where we create original courses and lectures about LearnHouse and how to use it. This month we've added our first course :

  • Get started with LearnHouse

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Bug fixes : We've fixed a lot of bugs and improved the overall performance of the platform.
  • UI improvements : Minor UI improvements, making it more user friendly and easy to use.
  • New features : We've added new features to the platform, like the ability to change your user avatar and more.